Pranayama & Salvia
by RealPTC Expert

What might you discover from regulating your breath?
Here's my latest with Salvia and Pranayama....
It all started last night in my weekly Yoga class I take. There was only three of us there so the she-teacher asked if we had any special requests. Something I've been studying recently is an breath-retention and regulation technique I read about in "Secrets of Yoga" called pranayamas. I asked her to go over whatever she should regarding the topic...
She went on to explain how the mind and emotions are intimately connected with the breath. How our breathing rate is the accumulation of our total mind/body/spirit at any given time.
She also explained how regulation of the breath brings out hidden emotions... subconscious motives and fears. Envy, anger, lust - pick your poison. By the regulation of breath these nasty fragmentations of pure consciousness show their face in your psyche.
After a long class (about 3 hours!) I left with a wealth of knowledge and a burning desire to dig up some of my seeded emotions through this pranayama pratice. And that's just what I did the next morning...
First came panic, panic to take a giant breath in and fufil my 'lack' of air. Mentally I knew it was all emotion, and there was no physical reason to need to gasp. It the was feeling of being smothered I was experiencing - yet all I had done was change my breathing pattern. Suddenly flashes of being locked in a box came through my head. Flashes of being at the bottom of a 'dog pile' when I was a boy - unable to breath or get them off of me. A dogpile is pictured atop. Imagine being the poor chap stuck on the bottom of that!
The same feeling of panic I had experienced in both those cases... years and years ago - I was experiencing again - right here and now - by just regulating my breath!
How amazing is that? Content with my findings I decided to return my breathing to normal to blend my mind with my emotion and try to totally annihilate the emotional defect. Appealing to a higher power I prayed for guidance. Just like a seed must receive water from above, I prayed for the illumination it would require to analyze and destroy this emotion defect into cosmic dust.
I then entered a state of deep relaxation where my thinking process stopped, but my heart was very active still. Staying conscious of the breath, I let the emotions and the body work it out.
Emerging from the trance-like state I felt "lighter" somehow. Like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Sort of the like the lightness you feel after a fast, or after having released your bowels in the morning. It felt like that. But the only thing that changed as a spiritual insight to an emotional defect I had carried within myself - like a poison - for decades!
I have pranayamas, and the dragon to thank for this 'toxic release'. I hope the same success in self conscious awarness and spiritual insight to all who might follow in my foot steps and try Salvia for themselves.
- Anthony Fore
Here's my latest with Salvia and Pranayama....
It all started last night in my weekly Yoga class I take. There was only three of us there so the she-teacher asked if we had any special requests. Something I've been studying recently is an breath-retention and regulation technique I read about in "Secrets of Yoga" called pranayamas. I asked her to go over whatever she should regarding the topic...
She went on to explain how the mind and emotions are intimately connected with the breath. How our breathing rate is the accumulation of our total mind/body/spirit at any given time.
She also explained how regulation of the breath brings out hidden emotions... subconscious motives and fears. Envy, anger, lust - pick your poison. By the regulation of breath these nasty fragmentations of pure consciousness show their face in your psyche.
After a long class (about 3 hours!) I left with a wealth of knowledge and a burning desire to dig up some of my seeded emotions through this pranayama pratice. And that's just what I did the next morning...
Enlisting the help of Salvia on this one, I took a couple deep breaths of some Salvia Dragon 10x burning in my incense burner and took a seat on my knees eastern style to practice what I learned the night before...
Regulating my breath so it took a full 12 seconds to inhale, 6 seconds hold at the apex of the inhalation, 12 seconds to exhale and another 6 seconds hold at the base of the breath was the ratio I choose to use. After about.... oh, I'd say 4 minutes - the emotions started to flow.
By this time the whole room was filled with the smoke for my Salvia incense burner - only aiding in my concentration and emotional attachment to what I was experiencing.
Regulating my breath so it took a full 12 seconds to inhale, 6 seconds hold at the apex of the inhalation, 12 seconds to exhale and another 6 seconds hold at the base of the breath was the ratio I choose to use. After about.... oh, I'd say 4 minutes - the emotions started to flow.
By this time the whole room was filled with the smoke for my Salvia incense burner - only aiding in my concentration and emotional attachment to what I was experiencing.
First came panic, panic to take a giant breath in and fufil my 'lack' of air. Mentally I knew it was all emotion, and there was no physical reason to need to gasp. It the was feeling of being smothered I was experiencing - yet all I had done was change my breathing pattern. Suddenly flashes of being locked in a box came through my head. Flashes of being at the bottom of a 'dog pile' when I was a boy - unable to breath or get them off of me. A dogpile is pictured atop. Imagine being the poor chap stuck on the bottom of that!
The same feeling of panic I had experienced in both those cases... years and years ago - I was experiencing again - right here and now - by just regulating my breath!
How amazing is that? Content with my findings I decided to return my breathing to normal to blend my mind with my emotion and try to totally annihilate the emotional defect. Appealing to a higher power I prayed for guidance. Just like a seed must receive water from above, I prayed for the illumination it would require to analyze and destroy this emotion defect into cosmic dust.
I then entered a state of deep relaxation where my thinking process stopped, but my heart was very active still. Staying conscious of the breath, I let the emotions and the body work it out.
Emerging from the trance-like state I felt "lighter" somehow. Like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Sort of the like the lightness you feel after a fast, or after having released your bowels in the morning. It felt like that. But the only thing that changed as a spiritual insight to an emotional defect I had carried within myself - like a poison - for decades!
I have pranayamas, and the dragon to thank for this 'toxic release'. I hope the same success in self conscious awarness and spiritual insight to all who might follow in my foot steps and try Salvia for themselves.
- Anthony Fore
Welcome To My Salvia Dragon Blog!
by RealPTC Expert
Dear Myself Most Likly...
A part of me tells me I shouldn't share these experiences because they are very personal and divine. But then again, a part of me also says I should try eat a 12 pack of twinkies just to see if I can...
Last night I finished work on my latest website,
And before I shipped off any of my latest orders, I wanted to do a product test to make sure of the potency. Not only that, but I feel it was time for another insightful visit to the "The Dragon" as I call it.
So I packed about a quarter sized wad of Salvia Divinorum leaf and sprinkeled some 10x extract on top for kicks. It'd been so long not sure how much it would take to get me to where I was going...
Needless to say, it didn't take very much at all. About three breathes and I had to lay down as I felt the experience coming on.
And all of the sudden, as natural as it could be, I was a voice in my head. Any physical movement was uncomfortable as it was meant to be a totally inward experience. An astral journey, not a physical high.
At first the Salvia did what I asked it, and removed my worldly problems so I could focus on the more spiritual questions I had in mind. Work faded away, emails and questions blurred and I was left with a central point of energy, or conciousness, that was ready to answer my questions.
I happened to be laying on my sofa and a plant was hanging over my face a bit. I began to ponder "How am I going to make my millions... how will I ensure my survival?" Nature, or the plant, answered my question...
Focusing on one leaf, or "stream" of the plant I saw that it was good. Then my perception gathered in the dozens of other leaves on the plant. Visions in my mind of time it took to grow the plant, how multiple leaves served as multiples streams of both income (light) and outgo (gas exchange) for the plant. The question transformed from "How am I going to take a million?" to "How am I going to produce a million?"
Contemplating the plant, I totally forgot my body. Considering that the seed, once it took root, provided a stream of income and outgo for the entire earth, or the "cause". How many seeds was I planting everyday? How many was I taking time to water, to see through to fruitation? The more seeds I planted, the better fruit they produced, the more service I would be providing. Simply, the more fruits I made, the more harvest I would reap.
Then a web of ideas flew threw me. I realized that the building I was sitting in started as just an "idea" in another man's head. Not only the architech, but the builder, and finally the buyer. They all saw it as something different. One as work, another as picture in a portfolio, another as a source of income and outgo. I saw it as shelter for my offer, a place to conduct business. Within the unlimited sea of possibility we live in, we take the raw matter (possibility, energy) and transform it into what we want...
How amazing was that?! In a sea of possibility, we can create anything we want! Through a successive series of thoughts I came to the realization of the highest spiritual ideal which is "Aum" or the sound which resonates through the universe. "Aum" was the father, and electricity the mother. Both the highest manifestations of themselves. Matter, sound, earth, hate, jealousy, greed.. and everything else that is not pure Akash or "Aum" is just a lower vibration of that which it originated from. All things destiny are to travel full circle and to come back to their source, which feels like pure nirvana.
It feels like overwhelming power, yet venerable peace all at the same time!
Yet I was reminded by my spirit guide that it was not yet time (linear) for that horizontal manifestation yet. I had to live life as a physical being because here and not, that is what I was. Balance was the only way I was going to feel peace in this physical manifestation. Balance with nature, with the spirit and with other beings. Connecting with my source, "Aum" was the only was to be reminded of the overwhelming power in which I was from, and from which I was going.... from which we are all going.
Be still, yee Gods, so you can remember - we are but young being of Light.
Venerable Peace be with this entire humanity.
- Anthony Fore
A part of me tells me I shouldn't share these experiences because they are very personal and divine. But then again, a part of me also says I should try eat a 12 pack of twinkies just to see if I can...
Last night I finished work on my latest website,

So I packed about a quarter sized wad of Salvia Divinorum leaf and sprinkeled some 10x extract on top for kicks. It'd been so long not sure how much it would take to get me to where I was going...
Needless to say, it didn't take very much at all. About three breathes and I had to lay down as I felt the experience coming on.
And all of the sudden, as natural as it could be, I was a voice in my head. Any physical movement was uncomfortable as it was meant to be a totally inward experience. An astral journey, not a physical high.
At first the Salvia did what I asked it, and removed my worldly problems so I could focus on the more spiritual questions I had in mind. Work faded away, emails and questions blurred and I was left with a central point of energy, or conciousness, that was ready to answer my questions.
I happened to be laying on my sofa and a plant was hanging over my face a bit. I began to ponder "How am I going to make my millions... how will I ensure my survival?" Nature, or the plant, answered my question...
Focusing on one leaf, or "stream" of the plant I saw that it was good. Then my perception gathered in the dozens of other leaves on the plant. Visions in my mind of time it took to grow the plant, how multiple leaves served as multiples streams of both income (light) and outgo (gas exchange) for the plant. The question transformed from "How am I going to take a million?" to "How am I going to produce a million?"
Contemplating the plant, I totally forgot my body. Considering that the seed, once it took root, provided a stream of income and outgo for the entire earth, or the "cause". How many seeds was I planting everyday? How many was I taking time to water, to see through to fruitation? The more seeds I planted, the better fruit they produced, the more service I would be providing. Simply, the more fruits I made, the more harvest I would reap.
Then a web of ideas flew threw me. I realized that the building I was sitting in started as just an "idea" in another man's head. Not only the architech, but the builder, and finally the buyer. They all saw it as something different. One as work, another as picture in a portfolio, another as a source of income and outgo. I saw it as shelter for my offer, a place to conduct business. Within the unlimited sea of possibility we live in, we take the raw matter (possibility, energy) and transform it into what we want...

It feels like overwhelming power, yet venerable peace all at the same time!
Yet I was reminded by my spirit guide that it was not yet time (linear) for that horizontal manifestation yet. I had to live life as a physical being because here and not, that is what I was. Balance was the only way I was going to feel peace in this physical manifestation. Balance with nature, with the spirit and with other beings. Connecting with my source, "Aum" was the only was to be reminded of the overwhelming power in which I was from, and from which I was going.... from which we are all going.
Be still, yee Gods, so you can remember - we are but young being of Light.
Venerable Peace be with this entire humanity.
- Anthony Fore
Tips on How To Improve Your Memory
by RealPTC Expert

How to Improve Your Memory - some very useful tips that won't cost you (or more properly Ed's lifted credit card - Ed) 20 easy payments of $19.99.
Some good practical easy to master techniques in there, though I'm not sure about the one where you look at the person and say their name.
This is not likely going to work for most males OR females.
As during introductions most males are looking at females gazonga's cursing the fact that after thousands of years of culture, and indeed millions of years of evolution, we still 'aven't figured out a way to create a socially acceptable way to reach out and nonchalantly squeeze a complete stranger's inviting delicious looking mammary gland.
(and most females are also not looking at men's faces either during introductions -Ed)
Right. Checking out our posteriors?
(lower - Ed)
Checking out our packages?
(lower - Ed)
Checking out George Clooney's package?
(*tap foot* the shoes TAG, the shoes - Ed)
Ah. I'm presently wearing mercury-silver Nike cross-trainers what does that tell the ladies?
(I dunno, but years of experience tells me that it's time to clear the area, because he's probably not wearing anything ELSE - Ed)
well it IS bloody hot.
[Pathud -Ed]
Tips on How To Improve Memory here:
The Avante Guardian. ---- Einstein's Hair^2 //Approved.
Brain Experiment: Expanding Cognitive Awareness
by RealPTC Expert
Presently I've found myself in an interesting experiment, what is effectively an 'what is it like for a girl?' phase. In an erstwhile attempt to expand my cognitive awareness slash to understand the fairer sex a bit more, I came up with the idea of immersing myself in the stimulus that I witness femmes gravitating towards.
(^Raise-Finger-to-comment - Ed)
No Ed, I don't mean wearing skirts and dating guys.
(v-Lower-Finger - Ed)
My first (unwitting - Ed) soiree into that experiment involved reading/being seen to be reading The Vagina Monologues at Chapters book store.
1. To read the work
2. To see what reaction I'd get being seen reading the book (being male - Ed).
I find women in general hyper-interesting (if an enigma - Ed) *cough* And perhaps more to the point, it disconcerting that there are these entirely 'other' manners of existing out there, und finally came to the conclusion one day, 'why live your entire life one way never knowing or tasting bits of all those other existences that uh exist out there?'
At present this experiment manifests with reading femme-centric-manga, listening to femme-centric-music, reading femme-writ werks, (actually "listening" to femmes - Ed) et cetera.
My conclusion thus far is something you're no doubt already well aware of, it is very cool to be a girl.
I've discovered what I believe to be some interesting dynamics and correlations. For example, femme-selected environmental-and-sensory input (such as choice of friends, peers and music) both reflects and augments certain characteristics. Almost all of which are (in my view) oft creative, emotionally-resonating and/or intellectually-stimulating.
Although this may seem obvious from an text-book vantage point, it's one thing to hear it said, and another to experience it. If only to a small degree.
It doesn't make me want to -be- female, and probably offensively (<--and rightly so to some femmes -Ed) it makes me only that much -more- protective ("typical male" response - Ed) because like Canada as a nation, I find Women in general are magnificently special camelot-like magical beings that we are bloody lucky exist in this world.
(I loathe that [Canadian Prime Minister - Ed] Harper is threatening to turn the 49th Parallel into a meaningless - when he attempts to backdoor-dismantle Medicare through deliberate systematic omission and neglect, I hope people finally take notice and stand up for Canada and say, "that's enough 'mate, you're fired, this is Canada, we pay more in our taxes, than the Americans do FOR A REASON - because we believe in putting our money where our ideals are - we're all deaded in 100 years time anyway, what difference will it make then? let some of our tax dollars 'ave seen to it that people were helped that needed it, that no one felt like nobody cared, that nobody died alone" - money has no legacy of its own, it's how it's spent that defines us as a people. imo)
Sorry, tangent relapse.
Anyway, I would summarize the findings of my experiment this way: I find that Women ultimately are (now) defining themselves with far fewer socially-or-internally-applied inhibitors than Men do (id est. imo males have more behavior and thought inhibitors than women presently do - spreching on average).
Ergo, women are now, in my view, constructing their own, uh, constructs from a larger possible potentiality pool, with far more (internal) leverage and freedom.
And I would stipulate as a hypotheses, that imo women are therefore presently Evolving at a higher rate.
I imagine it will balance out in the long run, as males begin our next evolutionary spurt, but, this, is the time to be a femme.
I realize there is an observable inherent possibly offensive irony 'ere (you don't say - Ed) *cough* that I could be taken to task for, namely the audacity of a male attempting to comment on your femmes existence, but I would only say that I do not profess to fully 'understand' Women, I only profess to be trying to.
Und to be enjoying the trip.
For anyone wishing to expand their cognitive awareness, I would highly sugg attempting your own personal variation on the experiment. Immersing yourself in the opposite sex's stimuli for awhile, and examining how your mind is affected.
(^Raise-Skirt - Ed)
Go Away Ed.
The Avante Guardian.
(^Raise-Finger-to-comment - Ed)
No Ed, I don't mean wearing skirts and dating guys.
(v-Lower-Finger - Ed)
My first (unwitting - Ed) soiree into that experiment involved reading/being seen to be reading The Vagina Monologues at Chapters book store.
1. To read the work
2. To see what reaction I'd get being seen reading the book (being male - Ed).
I find women in general hyper-interesting (if an enigma - Ed) *cough* And perhaps more to the point, it disconcerting that there are these entirely 'other' manners of existing out there, und finally came to the conclusion one day, 'why live your entire life one way never knowing or tasting bits of all those other existences that uh exist out there?'
At present this experiment manifests with reading femme-centric-manga, listening to femme-centric-music, reading femme-writ werks, (actually "listening" to femmes - Ed) et cetera.
My conclusion thus far is something you're no doubt already well aware of, it is very cool to be a girl.
I've discovered what I believe to be some interesting dynamics and correlations. For example, femme-selected environmental-and-sensory input (such as choice of friends, peers and music) both reflects and augments certain characteristics. Almost all of which are (in my view) oft creative, emotionally-resonating and/or intellectually-stimulating.
Although this may seem obvious from an text-book vantage point, it's one thing to hear it said, and another to experience it. If only to a small degree.
It doesn't make me want to -be- female, and probably offensively (<--and rightly so to some femmes -Ed) it makes me only that much -more- protective ("typical male" response - Ed) because like Canada as a nation, I find Women in general are magnificently special camelot-like magical beings that we are bloody lucky exist in this world.
(I loathe that [Canadian Prime Minister - Ed] Harper is threatening to turn the 49th Parallel into a meaningless - when he attempts to backdoor-dismantle Medicare through deliberate systematic omission and neglect, I hope people finally take notice and stand up for Canada and say, "that's enough 'mate, you're fired, this is Canada, we pay more in our taxes, than the Americans do FOR A REASON - because we believe in putting our money where our ideals are - we're all deaded in 100 years time anyway, what difference will it make then? let some of our tax dollars 'ave seen to it that people were helped that needed it, that no one felt like nobody cared, that nobody died alone" - money has no legacy of its own, it's how it's spent that defines us as a people. imo)
Sorry, tangent relapse.
Anyway, I would summarize the findings of my experiment this way: I find that Women ultimately are (now) defining themselves with far fewer socially-or-internally-applied inhibitors than Men do (id est. imo males have more behavior and thought inhibitors than women presently do - spreching on average).
Ergo, women are now, in my view, constructing their own, uh, constructs from a larger possible potentiality pool, with far more (internal) leverage and freedom.
And I would stipulate as a hypotheses, that imo women are therefore presently Evolving at a higher rate.
I imagine it will balance out in the long run, as males begin our next evolutionary spurt, but, this, is the time to be a femme.
I realize there is an observable inherent possibly offensive irony 'ere (you don't say - Ed) *cough* that I could be taken to task for, namely the audacity of a male attempting to comment on your femmes existence, but I would only say that I do not profess to fully 'understand' Women, I only profess to be trying to.
Und to be enjoying the trip.
For anyone wishing to expand their cognitive awareness, I would highly sugg attempting your own personal variation on the experiment. Immersing yourself in the opposite sex's stimuli for awhile, and examining how your mind is affected.
(^Raise-Skirt - Ed)
Go Away Ed.
The Avante Guardian.
[color therapy] The Pink Diet - John Hopkins Medical Center - Pink Suppresses Appetite
by RealPTC Expert
We know they're up to something, but we're never sure entirely what.
What fast-food companies and advertisers don't want us to know:
According to scientific research at John Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, colors operate on the human brain and nervous system in a manner that produces distinct and quantifiable (repeatable) reactions in human beings.
The Science: Physiological Functions Respond to Specific Colors.
Before we list the colors and their proven effects, let's ask, what are McDonald's and Burger King's predominant colors?
when I think of McDonald's I think of the Yellow M, when contemplating Burger King (not necessarily the new creepy homicidal mascot king, that's another subject!) I'm thinking Orange and Brown.
Specific colors and their proven effects.
Black: self-confidence, power, strength.
Blue: calming, lowers blood pressure, decreases respiration.
Green: soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness.
Violet: suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment, good for migraines.
Pink: used in diet therapy as an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, soothing.
Yellow: energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite.
Orange: energizes, stimulates appetite and digestive system.
Red: stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands.
Let's back up to Pink.
if you're on a diet or want to shed a few pounds, you can trigger appetite-suppression simply and effectively by placing something large and pink directly in your visual periphery.
id est. near PC monitor, on top of tv, on desk at work.
(or wear pink tinted sunglassess - Ed)
Waiting for the full article to go online at the John Hopkins Medical Center website. In the interim, to learn more, here's a good summary of Color therapy
What fast-food companies and advertisers don't want us to know:
According to scientific research at John Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, colors operate on the human brain and nervous system in a manner that produces distinct and quantifiable (repeatable) reactions in human beings.
The Science: Physiological Functions Respond to Specific Colors.
Before we list the colors and their proven effects, let's ask, what are McDonald's and Burger King's predominant colors?
when I think of McDonald's I think of the Yellow M, when contemplating Burger King (not necessarily the new creepy homicidal mascot king, that's another subject!) I'm thinking Orange and Brown.
Specific colors and their proven effects.
Black: self-confidence, power, strength.
Blue: calming, lowers blood pressure, decreases respiration.
Green: soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically, helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness.
Violet: suppresses appetite, provides a peaceful environment, good for migraines.
Pink: used in diet therapy as an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, soothing.
Yellow: energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates appetite.
Orange: energizes, stimulates appetite and digestive system.
Red: stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, excites sexual glands.
Let's back up to Pink.
if you're on a diet or want to shed a few pounds, you can trigger appetite-suppression simply and effectively by placing something large and pink directly in your visual periphery.
id est. near PC monitor, on top of tv, on desk at work.
(or wear pink tinted sunglassess - Ed)
Waiting for the full article to go online at the John Hopkins Medical Center website. In the interim, to learn more, here's a good summary of Color therapy
CyberNeuroPhysiological Control - Entrain your brain with your PC or your iPod
by RealPTC Expert
How To Infuence your Brainwaves:
A brainwave frequency pattern ("Brainwave") co-relates directly to your state of being.
ie. happy, sad, euphoric, tired, pensive, energized, creative, sexy, et al.
Each/All human states have a specific brainwave frequency associated with them.
The base frequencies discovered:
0.5Hz - 3.5Hz Deep sleep - Delta
3.5Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness - Theta
8Hz - 13Hz Relaxed but alert - Alpha
13Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused - Beta
The Question: What happens if a brain-wave frequency (read on an EEG) is identical in two people. Does that mean they are in the same state?
The Answer: Yes. people with the same brain wave frequency pattern are in the same state.
The Conclusion: if you can bring about a specific brain-wave pattern in a person, that person will experience the state associated with that brain-wave pattern. They will BE in that state.
Research into generating brain-wave patterns has resulted in at least 2 present day medicinal scientific fields: biofeedback-therapy and neurofeedback-therapy.
Click here for CNN article on biofeedback and neurofeedback
But we don't all want to attach electrodes to our head.
Thankfully, there are other ways to influence brain waves.
Today sound (audio/binaural brainwave frequency influence) and images (strobe-light brainwave frequency influence) can be used to influence and bring about specific brain-wave patterns and therefore states.
You can test this yourself by getting a Brainwave generator (on the Web) with sound files to influence your brain-wave pattern and change your state.
A Brainwave Generator with state-generating sound-files for your multimedia PC or iPod can be Downloaded Here
read more about the science behind the brainwave generator here
A brainwave frequency pattern ("Brainwave") co-relates directly to your state of being.
ie. happy, sad, euphoric, tired, pensive, energized, creative, sexy, et al.
Each/All human states have a specific brainwave frequency associated with them.
The base frequencies discovered:
0.5Hz - 3.5Hz Deep sleep - Delta
3.5Hz - 8Hz Drowsiness - Theta
8Hz - 13Hz Relaxed but alert - Alpha
13Hz - 30Hz Highly alert and focused - Beta
The Question: What happens if a brain-wave frequency (read on an EEG) is identical in two people. Does that mean they are in the same state?
The Answer: Yes. people with the same brain wave frequency pattern are in the same state.
The Conclusion: if you can bring about a specific brain-wave pattern in a person, that person will experience the state associated with that brain-wave pattern. They will BE in that state.
Research into generating brain-wave patterns has resulted in at least 2 present day medicinal scientific fields: biofeedback-therapy and neurofeedback-therapy.
Click here for CNN article on biofeedback and neurofeedback
But we don't all want to attach electrodes to our head.
Thankfully, there are other ways to influence brain waves.
Today sound (audio/binaural brainwave frequency influence) and images (strobe-light brainwave frequency influence) can be used to influence and bring about specific brain-wave patterns and therefore states.
You can test this yourself by getting a Brainwave generator (on the Web) with sound files to influence your brain-wave pattern and change your state.
A Brainwave Generator with state-generating sound-files for your multimedia PC or iPod can be Downloaded Here
read more about the science behind the brainwave generator here
Increase Study Alertness with 10 minute Brainwave-Synchronization Audio File
by RealPTC Expert
BEGIN Article Excerpt:
Digital Espresso
Replace coffee with this mp3 designed to entrain your brain
If you’ve stopped drinking coffee but miss the buzz, this one’s for you. Wake up in the morning, afternoon —get extra mental energy and focus before studies or meetings with this 10 minute entrainment from Digital Espresso uses a research protocol successful with patients of CFS, depression, ADHD and found to reliably increase energy and motivation. Put on some headphones, kick back, close your eyes and let the pulses massage your brain and the frequencies wake up those slacker neurons. A high speed connection is recommended.
END article.
Begin Opine (mine)
This Brain Hack works.
Stumbled onto audio induced brainwave-synchronization by accident a few months back when I jacklinked the PC's soundcard into a Panasonic ghetto blaster's (only available) input: the mic port.
The subsequent sound bleeding led to white noise at pitch levels and intervals (creating a crackling/popping rhythm) that observably relaxed my brain when surfing the interweb.
The Digital Expresso audio (see above) conversely is designed as an mental energy booster.
Introspectively, I find it acts best as a brain-hemisphere "balancer", where it generates the sensation of cleanliness and equilibrium within the mind.
Like an etch-a-sketch that has just been shook clean and is ready and waiting to have its knobs fiddled about with.
10 minute Digital Expresso brainwave synchronization audio file located ---> Here
BEGIN Article Excerpt:
Digital Espresso
Replace coffee with this mp3 designed to entrain your brain
If you’ve stopped drinking coffee but miss the buzz, this one’s for you. Wake up in the morning, afternoon —get extra mental energy and focus before studies or meetings with this 10 minute entrainment from Digital Espresso uses a research protocol successful with patients of CFS, depression, ADHD and found to reliably increase energy and motivation. Put on some headphones, kick back, close your eyes and let the pulses massage your brain and the frequencies wake up those slacker neurons. A high speed connection is recommended.
END article.
Begin Opine (mine)
This Brain Hack works.
Stumbled onto audio induced brainwave-synchronization by accident a few months back when I jacklinked the PC's soundcard into a Panasonic ghetto blaster's (only available) input: the mic port.
The subsequent sound bleeding led to white noise at pitch levels and intervals (creating a crackling/popping rhythm) that observably relaxed my brain when surfing the interweb.
The Digital Expresso audio (see above) conversely is designed as an mental energy booster.
Introspectively, I find it acts best as a brain-hemisphere "balancer", where it generates the sensation of cleanliness and equilibrium within the mind.
Like an etch-a-sketch that has just been shook clean and is ready and waiting to have its knobs fiddled about with.
10 minute Digital Expresso brainwave synchronization audio file located ---> Here
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