A Closer Look at Integral Theory

Adapted from the Drishti Centre for Integral Action website:
A Closer Look at Integral Theory

By Gail Hochachka

Integral is the farthest reach of inter-disciplinary to date. It links "divergent" disciplines (such as the natural sciences, economics, politics, culture, psychology, and spirituality), including both the exterior (objective) aspects of life with the interior invisible (subjective

Visser on Wilber’s Views of Evolution

From Integral World:
The 'Spirit of Evolution' Reconsidered: Relating Ken Wilber's view of spiritual evolution to the current evolution debates

by Frank Visser
“In the case of any person whose judgment is really deserving of confidence, how has it become so? Because he has kept his mind open to criticism of his opinions and conduct. Because it has been his practice to listen to all that could

Cultivating Postformal Adult Development

Cultivating Postformal Adult Development: Higher Stages and Contrasting InterventionsBy William R. TorbertAs this chapter will discuss, the practice of action inquiry and the Vedic/TM method are the only two educational interventions that have empirically been shown to facilitate adult developmental transformation beyond formal operations. The primary concern of this chapter is to present

Vitan and the New Age

Vitvan and the School of the Natural Order: New Age Culture with a Do It Yourself Ethicby Daniel Gustav AndersonAuthor's Note: This is a paper I presented at the 2010 Western Literature Association conference in Prescott, Arizona, USA. I think it offers some ways to advance the conversation in integral studies by considering some paths not yet taken, rather than strictly “new” developments:

Integral Methodological Pluralism in Practice

Integral Research as a Practical Mixed-Methods Framework: Clarifying The Role of Integral Methodological Pluralism

By Jeffery A. Martin

The mixed methods community could represent a significant opportunity to place Integral Theory at the very heart of the academy. Methodological communities often define what is and is not acceptable within academic research. Soon, the mixed methods community
