Getting Started... Soon...

I moved.  That's my excuse for why I haven't seriously started this journey yet.  But, come September 1st, I will go grocery shopping and come home with a bag full of pink ingredients, and probably some ice cream that isn't.  In any case, I had a pink meal a few weeks ago at Baci & Abbracci, a great Italian restaurant my mom found in Williamsburg.  We thought it was empty when we got there (didn't need reservations I guess) but it turns out they have a back yard - something that makes any meal taste better, in my opinion.

I wasn't starving when we got there, but I decided to order the beet & goat cheese gnocchi because it sounded just too perfect for my taste.  And I'm glad I did!  It came with a cream & spinach sauce (sounds heavy right?) but it was superb.  And it was pink!  I love beets, because they make things pinker, and they make things sweeter.  It looked a lot like this dish from a restaurant in soho (which I found on someone else's blog,

The sauce was light and creamy, with the spinach adding a little dose of green to an otherwise mushy (in a good way!) dish.  The gnocchi was soft and slightly chewy, with the cheese flavors coming through just enough.  I did end up with a few leftovers, but let me tell you, it wasn't because I didn't like it enough to finish it!

Diabetic Diet Facts (Diabetic Diets)

Diabetic Diets

Initially diabetes management and control may involve dietary changes alone. Diet is a vital component in your overall diabetes control program and to keep blood sugar levels under control, a diabetic diets strikes a balance among the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you eat, when you control your body functions through exercise and by using a diabetic diets, your pain and agony seems to diminish.

A diabetic diets must be a well-balanced meal plan tailored to your individual needs, tastes, activity level and life style, and its goal is to provide all the calories and nutrients the diabetic needs while keeping blood sugars as close to normal as possible. Diabetes is not a life sentence to a rigid and restrictive menu plan.

The diabetic diets basically involves limiting your carbohydrate intake in order to control your glucose levels. The recommended carbohydrate content of diabetic diets is 60%, fat content 30-35%. Another important characteristic of a diabetic diets is to eat regularly, at the same times each day, and to eat a consistent amount of calories each day; the diabetic diets is not only for diabetics: it is an excellent, balanced alternative for anyone.

Since the diabetic diets is one which is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, look for cookbooks that emphasize low-fat cooking, the diabetic diets is a bit stricter and calls for avoiding grains and fruit but you have about 30g of carbs daily. The ideal diabetic diets is also good for cholesterol with its emphasis on low fat
, high complex carbohydrate and high fiber.

The most important aspect of the diabetic diets is meal planning, your meal plan should be adjusted to take into account carbs sugars and fat in the diabetic food, the general principle is to control body fat means less sensitivity to Insulin, which keeps the blood sugar level in check.

Carbohydrate Counting offers suggestions and tips about how to eat carbohydrates while maintaining your insulin needs and diabetes control, by following a consistent diet control, a diabetic patient ought to be able to maintain good health in general, but you should remember that an effective control of diabetes requires an integrated approach which also includes exercise, weight control and a good diabetic diets.

When you have diabetes, your medications are your best friends, as they will help you keep your condition under control, remember that one of the main goals for a diabetic diets is to lower your weight and maintain it, to put it in simplified words, diabetic diets is a balanced healthy diet plan
which is vital for Diabetes treatment.

The diabetic diets is aimed at helping to control blood sugar levels, the less fluctuation, especially rapid release of glucose into the blood, the better, an adherence to a diabetic diets is an important aspect of controlling elevated blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Diabetic Diets

Diabetic Diet Facts (Diabetic Diets)

Diabetic Diets

Initially diabetes management and control may involve dietary changes alone. Diet is a vital component in your overall diabetes control program and to keep blood sugar levels under control, a diabetic diets strikes a balance among the carbohydrates, fats, and protein you eat, when you control your body functions through exercise and by using a diabetic diets, your pain and agony seems to diminish.

A diabetic diets must be a well-balanced meal plan tailored to your individual needs, tastes, activity level and life style, and its goal is to provide all the calories and nutrients the diabetic needs while keeping blood sugars as close to normal as possible. Diabetes is not a life sentence to a rigid and restrictive menu plan.

The diabetic diets basically involves limiting your carbohydrate intake in order to control your glucose levels. The recommended carbohydrate content of diabetic diets is 60%, fat content 30-35%. Another important characteristic of a diabetic diets is to eat regularly, at the same times each day, and to eat a consistent amount of calories each day; the diabetic diets is not only for diabetics: it is an excellent, balanced alternative for anyone.

Since the diabetic diets is one which is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, look for cookbooks that emphasize low-fat cooking, the diabetic diets is a bit stricter and calls for avoiding grains and fruit but you have about 30g of carbs daily. The ideal diabetic diets is also good for cholesterol with its emphasis on low fat
, high complex carbohydrate and high fiber.

The most important aspect of the diabetic diets is meal planning, your meal plan should be adjusted to take into account carbs sugars and fat in the diabetic food, the general principle is to control body fat means less sensitivity to Insulin, which keeps the blood sugar level in check.

Carbohydrate Counting offers suggestions and tips about how to eat carbohydrates while maintaining your insulin needs and diabetes control, by following a consistent diet control, a diabetic patient ought to be able to maintain good health in general, but you should remember that an effective control of diabetes requires an integrated approach which also includes exercise, weight control and a good diabetic diets.

When you have diabetes, your medications are your best friends, as they will help you keep your condition under control, remember that one of the main goals for a diabetic diets is to lower your weight and maintain it, to put it in simplified words, diabetic diets is a balanced healthy diet plan
which is vital for Diabetes treatment.

The diabetic diets is aimed at helping to control blood sugar levels, the less fluctuation, especially rapid release of glucose into the blood, the better, an adherence to a diabetic diets is an important aspect of controlling elevated blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Diabetic Diets
