In Defence of Difference

“Scientists offer new insight into what to protect of the world's rapidly vanishing languages, cultures, and species.”

From SEED Magazine:

In Defense of Difference
by Maywa Montenegro & Terry Glavin

This past January, at the St. Innocent Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska, friends and relatives gathered to bid their last farewell to Marie Smith Jones, a beloved matriarch of her

Integral Theory Conference - Enacting an Integral Future

It seems William Harryman of the outstanding Integral Options Café blog is the official blogger for the 2nd biannual Integral Theory Conference that began tonight July 29, 2010 in Pleasant Hill, California. The theme of the conference is ‘Enacting an Integral Future’ and it will continue until August 1, 2010.

Because Bill is, to our minds, one of the best bloggers out there, please visit his

The Pink Diet – A Brief Description

Mascot of the day: Crocheted pink bear cupcake

Why pink?
Good question.  First of all, I have always loved pink.  When I first had a favorite color, I would tell you it was pink & purple (each from one of my twin cousins, whom I idolized).  Pink represents being a girl, and proud of it!  Pink is a color that I've felt for a long time should be widely accepted as a professional branding, but is (unfairly) not.

Why the blog?
I've decided to start this blog as a record of my goal to stick to a 'pink diet'.  This alone raises several questions, which I will attempt to answer before embarking on my diet journey both in part to clarify for others what it is I am doing (and why), as well as to set a few ground rules for myself.

First of all, pink foods tend to be healthy.  For the purpose of this experiment I am defining "pink foods" as any food that is naturally pink in whole or in part, died pink with natural ingredients, or is an off shade of pink, like red or purple.  That is, no red 40 food dye (my arch nemesis, as you will see!!) or other artificial colors.  Secondly, pink has a lot of positive connotations (pinkeye aside) like awareness for breast cancer research.  I don't have any personal goals with this worthy cause, but if there's any benefit to it that arises from this, all the better!

What's the goal?
This started out as an experiment just to see how much pink food I could come up with – and stomach – but even in discussing this goal it has begun to take on a life of its own.  Pink food, as I've defined it above, includes lots of fruit and veggies, and includes a pretty well-rounded variety of foods.  A brief brainstorm today with a friend of mine uncovered the following list of foods that fall into my category, which I'm sure will expand as I go about accomplishing this.  Feel free to comment or send me more ideas for pink food!

My goal, to start, is to make one entirely pink meal a week, or more if I can, and see how far that gets me.  If I find I have just too many food items to make I might adjust the goal, but for now it's an exercise in endurance.  And honestly, I can't think of another kind of exercise that more appeals to me than one involving lots of food and pink things!

So have a look at the list of pink ingredients below, leave some feedback, and stay tuned!

  • beets
  • wine
  • purple onions
  • eggplant
  • rhubarb
  • radiccio
  • radishes
  • paprika
  • guava
  • grapefruit
  • grapes
  • feijoa?? (fay-YO-hah)
  • most berries
  • swiss chard
  • birthday cake
  • pink lemonade
  • paprika egg salad
  • fruit punch
  • pink cocktails!
  • purple yams/potoes
  • purple carrots
  • salmon
  • purple cauliflower
  • pomegranates
  • asparagus
  • indian corn
  • purple cabbage!
  • plums
  • purple pasta
  • pickled eggs?
  • pink elephant as a last resort
  • apple sauce
  • pinkberry
  • watermelon
  • shell fish
  • pork - meat in general
  • tuna tartar
  • sushi
  • cherries
  • pink lady apples
  • candied flowers
  • candy
  • dates
  • figs
  • tarot

Chalmers on The Singularity

The Singularity: A Philosophical AnalysisBy David J. ChalmersWhat happens when machines become more intelligent than humans? One view is that this event will be followed by an explosion to ever-greater levels of intelligence, as each generation of machines creates more intelligent machines in turn. This intelligence explosion is now often known as the “singularity”.The basic argument here was

Infecting Minds

From MicrobeWorld.Org:Infecting Minds with Science in the Age of New MediaOn May 25th, 2010 science writer Carl Zimmer gave a keynote address at the American Society for Microbiology's General Meeting in San Diego, California. The presentation entitled “Newspapers, Blogs, and Other Vectors: Infecting Minds with Science in the Age of New Media” was given at the President’s Forum, “Telling the

Calling All Future-Eaters

Calling All Future-Eatersby Chris Hedges
The human species during its brief time on Earth has exhibited a remarkable capacity to kill itself off. The Cro-Magnons dispatched the gentler Neanderthals. The conquistadors, with the help of smallpox, decimated the native populations in the Americas. Modern industrial warfare in the 20th century took at least 100 million lives, most of them civilians.

Harryman is Warming to Slavoj Zizek…

From Integral Options Café:Another festival of Slavoj Zizek articles appeared this weekend, all of it from Europe, where people actually read philosophy. Oh yeah, he's a Marxist, sort of - with a heavy dose of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Hegelian philosophy - so that explains why no one on this continent is paying any attention to him.
Apparently Zizek's 'the world's hippest philosopher,' as the

Sperber and Hirschfeld on Culture, Cognition and Evolution

Culture, Cognition, and EvolutionBy Dan Sperber & Lawrence Hirschfeld
Most work in the cognitive sciences focuses on the manner in which an individual device -- be it a mind, a brain, or a computer -- processes various kinds of information. Cognitive psychology in particular is primarily concerned with individual thought and behavior. Individuals however belong to populations. This is true in two

Organicism, AQAL and Integral Theory

By Giorgio Piacenza Cabrera
Abstract: This paper presents Archie J. Bahm’s “Organicism” as a Second Tier Metatheory based upon the analysis of intuited polarity . It shows that AQAL (or Integral Metatheory) can benefit from a more deductive (and Metaphysical) approach that relates with the logical-relational aspects inhering at the core of Integral concepts such as “hierarchy” “
