The Limit of Explanation

From Anthropoetics:
The Limit of Explanation: Following the "Why" to its Epistemological Terminus
By Marina Ludwigs

In this essay I will examine the theory and praxis of explanation and demonstrate the unsustainable character of its claims and underlying presuppositions. My involvement in this project stemmed originally from my interest in contributing to a development of a formal methodology

Quantifying Self

From WorldChanging: Media Tracking and the Quantified Self By Ethan ZuckermanGary Wolf and Kevin Kelly have been documenting an emerging phenomenon they call “the quantified self“. The term refers to a set experiments that people are conducting – primarily on themselves – to understand their own bodies and behavior. In an article for The New York Times Magazine, Wolf details a range of these

Integral Pluralisms and Cultural Pragmatics

I'm not sure if Dallmayr knows of Ken Wilber's work, but there seems to be no mention of the bald bastion of the Trans anywhere... It's truly hard to imagine he wouldn't have at least come accross mention of 'Integral Methodological Pluralism' somehwhere. Very suspicious indeed.
Integral Pluralism: Beyond Culture Warsby Fred Dallmayr, Integral Pluralism: Beyond Culture Wars, University of
