Singer Jackson Browne on the Occupy Movement
by RealPTC Expert
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder
"I think they're freakin out. They're just freakin out...Somebody has met and decided this is a shift in the tactics," Jackson Browne regarding the unified nationwide attack on the Occupy Movement by the Power Structure.
"I think they're freakin out. They're just freakin out...Somebody has met and decided this is a shift in the tactics," Jackson Browne regarding the unified nationwide attack on the Occupy Movement by the Power Structure.
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Food Justice: Occupy Farmers Joining the Movement
by RealPTC Expert
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Image by Getty Images via @daylife |
In the US, the Family Farm has nearly been obliterated. It has been replaced with Mega Corporate Factory Farms that poison the land and the food supply with toxic chemicals for maximum profit.
Then speculators inflate the price of that food with bankster bets that skyrocket prices while the poor needlessly starve around the world. There are a billion people that are starving in the world today. But there is enough food to feed everybody.
Farmers are now joining the Occupy Movement to call attention to this horrendous situation.
As Wall Street’s corrupt influence on the economy has grown, the corporate ownership of our food system has hurt the health and livelihood’s of some of our most vulnerable communities. This Sunday, December 4th food justice activists and occupiers will be traveling from as far as Colorado, Iowa, Maine and Upstate New York to join together for the Occupy Wall Street FARMERS’ MARCH.Through a day of dialogue, musical performances, and a march, farmers and their urban allies working for food justice in their communities will form alliances to fight and expose corporate control of the food supply.
Events throughout the day will call and inspire participants to fight against the corporate manipulation of the agriculture system. An industry that is responsible for using chemical toxins tied to soaring obesity rates, heart disease and diabetes and limiting access to affordable, wholesome food to the country’s poorest citizens.
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Occupy DC Challenges Obama, the Corporate Puppet
by RealPTC Expert
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The 2 Party System here in America is basically one Party pretending to be in opposition. In reality, the Republicrats work for Corporate America and put on a show of contention. They do what their money masters dictate.
In America, there are only 2 Teams allowed to play against each other, over and over, but it always the owners of the game that win.
Americans are beginning to figure out the obvious.
Anti Wall Street Protesters recently called attention to this obvious fact in Washington DC.
....The protesters gathered in front of a building where Democrats were holding a campaign fundraiser for Obama on Thursday night, carrying banners and banging on drums to express their frustration with the Democratic Party, the Washington Post reported.Related articles
The anti-Wall Street protesters, who held up signs which read that Obama is a 'corporate puppet,' accused the party of representing the ultra-rich.
"Because no party is representing the 99 percent, and because money should never equal speech, we are marching on a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee," Occupy DC organizers wrote on their tv
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Dr. King Speaks to the 99%
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Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder
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Killing One Person to Save 5: A Look at Morality
by RealPTC Expert
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In reality, people often wisely and even unwisely make moral decisions based on circumstances.
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder
Moral dilemma: Would you kill one person to save five?
A morality experiment gave participants a choice: Allow a runaway boxcar to kill five hikers or pull a switch to reroute the boxcar to different tracks where one hiker would die.
Participants wore a head-mounted device that presented them with a 3-D simulated version of the boxcar scenario.
A joystick gave participants the option of switching the boxcar onto a separate set of tracks with one hiker instead of five.
Carlos David Navarrete, assistant professor of psychology. Photo by G.L. Kohuth

EAST LANSING, Mich. — Imagine a runaway boxcar heading toward five people who can’t escape its path. Now imagine you had the power to reroute the boxcar onto different tracks with only one person along that route.
Would you do it?
That’s the moral dilemma posed by a team of Michigan State University researchers in a first-of-its-kind study published in the research journal Emotion. Research participants were put in a three dimensional setting and given the power to kill one person (in this case, a realistic digital character) to save five.
The results? About 90 percent of the participants pulled a switch to reroute the boxcar, suggesting people are willing to violate a moral rule if it means minimizing harm.
“What we found is that the rule of ‘Thou shalt not kill’ can be overcome by considerations of the greater good,” said Carlos David Navarrete, lead researcher on the project.
As an evolutionary psychologist, Navarrete explores big-picture topics such as morality – in other words, how do we come to our moral judgments and does our behavior follow suit?
His latest experiment offers a new twist on the “trolley problem,” a moral dilemma that philosophers have contemplated for decades. But this is the first time the dilemma has been posed as a behavioral experiment in a virtual environment, “with the sights, sounds and consequences of our actions thrown into stark relief,” the study says.
The research participants were presented with a 3-D simulated version of the classic dilemma though a head-mounted device. Sensors were attached to their fingertips to monitor emotional arousal.
In the virtual world, each participant was stationed at a railroad switch where two sets of tracks veered off. Up ahead and to their right, five people hiked along the tracks in a steep ravine that prevented escape. On the opposite side, a single person hiked along in the same setting.
As the boxcar approached over the horizon, the participants could either do nothing – letting the coal-filled boxcar go along its route and kill the five hikers – or pull a switch (in this case a joystick) and reroute it to the tracks occupied by the single hiker.
Of the 147 participants, 133 (or 90.5 percent) pulled the switch to divert the boxcar, resulting in the death of the one hiker. Fourteen participants allowed the boxcar to kill the five hikers (11 participants did not pull the switch, while three pulled the switch but then returned it to its original position).
The findings are consistent with past research that was not virtual-based, Navarrete said.
The study also found that participants who did not pull the switch were more emotionally aroused. The reasons for this are unknown, although it may be because people freeze up during highly anxious moments – akin to a solider failing to fire his weapon in battle, Navarrete said.
“I think humans have an aversion to harming others that needs to be overridden by something,” Navarrete said. “By rational thinking we can sometimes override it – by thinking about the people we will save, for example. But for some people, that increase in anxiety may be so overpowering that they don’t make the utilitarian choice, the choice for the greater good.”
A 2-D example of the virtual environment used in this study is available at
Michigan State University has been working to advance the common good in uncommon ways for more than 150 years. One of the top research universities in the world, MSU focuses its vast resources on creating solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, while providing life-changing opportunities to a diverse and inclusive academic community through more than 200 programs of study in 17 degree-granting colleges.
Would you do it?
That’s the moral dilemma posed by a team of Michigan State University researchers in a first-of-its-kind study published in the research journal Emotion. Research participants were put in a three dimensional setting and given the power to kill one person (in this case, a realistic digital character) to save five.
The results? About 90 percent of the participants pulled a switch to reroute the boxcar, suggesting people are willing to violate a moral rule if it means minimizing harm.
“What we found is that the rule of ‘Thou shalt not kill’ can be overcome by considerations of the greater good,” said Carlos David Navarrete, lead researcher on the project.
As an evolutionary psychologist, Navarrete explores big-picture topics such as morality – in other words, how do we come to our moral judgments and does our behavior follow suit?
His latest experiment offers a new twist on the “trolley problem,” a moral dilemma that philosophers have contemplated for decades. But this is the first time the dilemma has been posed as a behavioral experiment in a virtual environment, “with the sights, sounds and consequences of our actions thrown into stark relief,” the study says.
The research participants were presented with a 3-D simulated version of the classic dilemma though a head-mounted device. Sensors were attached to their fingertips to monitor emotional arousal.
In the virtual world, each participant was stationed at a railroad switch where two sets of tracks veered off. Up ahead and to their right, five people hiked along the tracks in a steep ravine that prevented escape. On the opposite side, a single person hiked along in the same setting.
As the boxcar approached over the horizon, the participants could either do nothing – letting the coal-filled boxcar go along its route and kill the five hikers – or pull a switch (in this case a joystick) and reroute it to the tracks occupied by the single hiker.
Of the 147 participants, 133 (or 90.5 percent) pulled the switch to divert the boxcar, resulting in the death of the one hiker. Fourteen participants allowed the boxcar to kill the five hikers (11 participants did not pull the switch, while three pulled the switch but then returned it to its original position).
The findings are consistent with past research that was not virtual-based, Navarrete said.
The study also found that participants who did not pull the switch were more emotionally aroused. The reasons for this are unknown, although it may be because people freeze up during highly anxious moments – akin to a solider failing to fire his weapon in battle, Navarrete said.
“I think humans have an aversion to harming others that needs to be overridden by something,” Navarrete said. “By rational thinking we can sometimes override it – by thinking about the people we will save, for example. But for some people, that increase in anxiety may be so overpowering that they don’t make the utilitarian choice, the choice for the greater good.”
A 2-D example of the virtual environment used in this study is available at
Michigan State University has been working to advance the common good in uncommon ways for more than 150 years. One of the top research universities in the world, MSU focuses its vast resources on creating solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, while providing life-changing opportunities to a diverse and inclusive academic community through more than 200 programs of study in 17 degree-granting colleges.
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Poll Finds Israeli Public Supports Middle East Nuclear Free Zone
by RealPTC Expert
Image via Wikipedia |
But even after decades of propaganda, people often are able to use reason and empathy to choose the right path. I know, it is surprising.
When the people cannot be programmed into war and the use of the unthinkable, then the Elite Power Structure simply do it without the support of the people.
In Israel, the majority of the people there have the good sense to support a Middle East Nuclear Free Zone. However, the power structure there promotes Wars and Nukes despite what the people want.
You see even though people don't want War and Nukes, the Elite do. That is why there are Wars and there will likely be a Nuclear exchange in the future. The Elites get what they want.
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder
Israeli Public Supports Middle East Nuclear Free Zone: UMD Poll
UMD Newsdesk
COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- Nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews, 64 percent, favor establishing a nuclear free zone in the Middle East - even when it was spelled out that this would mean both Israel and Iran would have to forego nuclear weapons - finds a new University of Maryland poll. The research is a joint project of the Anwar Sadat Chair at the University of Maryland and the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA).
Pressure for such a nuclear free zone has grown with the potential for Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, possibly leading to a regional arms race, the researchers say. Next year the United Nations will sponsor a conference devoted to the idea. The Israeli government opposes creation of such a zone.
In the new poll, fewer than half, 43 percent, support an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. Recently, even leading voices within Israel's defense community have said that such a strike would merely slow, but not stop Iran and that Israeli cities would be vulnerable to retaliation.
At the same time the Israeli public acknowledges Iran's potential for acquiring nuclear weapons. An overwhelming 90 percent say it is likely that Iran will eventually acquire a nuclear capacity.
When asked which would be better - for both Israel and Iran to have nuclear weapons, or for neither to have them - a robust 65 percent say it would be better for neither to have them. Only 19 percent prefer a nuclear armed Israel and Iran.
"I find the results surprising given the long held assumption that the Israeli public is not prepared to even discuss the nuclear issue given their deep seated sense of insecurity," says Shibley Telhami, the University of Maryland's Anwar Sadat Professor for Peace and Development.
"If Israel and Iran were to indicate a readiness to join a process toward turning the Middle East into a nuclear free zone this would be a major game changer in negotiations on Iran's nuclear program," adds Steven Kull, director of PIPA, a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes and the Center on International Security Studies at Maryland.
The researchers point to another one of their findings as highly significant in terms of future negotiations with Iran: Israeli Jews not only expressed support for the long term goal of eliminating nuclear weapons from the region, but also for an interim step of making their nuclear facilities transparent together with Iran's.
Asked about having all countries in the region, including Israel and Iran, "agree to have a system of full international inspections of all facilities where nuclear components could be built or maintained," 60 percent favored it.
The poll of 510 Israeli Jews has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percent. The poll was fielded by the Dahaf Institute in Israel. Interviews were conducted by telephone November 10-16. The research is a joint project of the Program on International Policy Attitudes and the Anwar Sadat Chair at the University of Maryland, The results were released in conjunction with the start of the Saban Forum on US-Israeli Relations at the Brookings Institution.
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US Census Data Shows a Gain in Impoverished Children
by RealPTC Expert
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The 2010 Census Report here in the US finds something that is not so surprising for those of us that work with children. There is an alarming growth in child poverty.
Although the Census shows that the poverty rates have gotten significantly worse from 2007 to 2010 in many areas of the country, it doesn't take into account the numbers for this year. From my experience, those numbers are only getting worse.
The Government and the Corporate Managed Media refer to the US economy as being in a recovery. But in reality the economy is in a depression and for the children it is an economic disaster.
So while the super Elite are talking about Growth, the children are making gains in poverty.
....Going over just the largest 100 school districts in America, 96 percent saw a growth in children stricken with poverty between 2007 and 2010. That puts over 45 percent of the 54-million school-age children in districts experiencing high poverty.Related articles
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, nearly 50 percent of school-aged children are living in poverty, with overall state experiencing an increase in three percentage points in that same span. In the state of Alabama, children 18 and under saw the same surge.
"I've been doing this for eight years, and I don't ever remember seeing this much of an increase (in child poverty rates)," John Johnson of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction tells the Journal Sentinel. "The recession has had an impact on children and their families."....rt
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Diabetic and Obesity Epidemic and the Fructose Connection
by RealPTC Expert
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Image by Food Thinkers via Flickr |
What do the Atkins Diet and the Japanese Diet have in common?
Both work, but one empasizes meat and fat and the other emphasizes carbs.
So why do both work?
Both diets eliminate Fructose.
For years fructose sugar was touted as a safer sugar for diabetics and pre-diabetics, or those that have been labeled as Syndrome X.
However research is now showing that this form of sugar is likely more dangerous than the other sugars for diabetics and everybody else.
An ever-increasing number of studies show that sugared drinks and foods cause fatty liver, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, kidney damage and premature death. A review of recent studies shows that fructose may be more damaging than other sugars (Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, November 29, 2010).In the video below Dr. Robert Lustig explains the reason why Fructose is so dangerous.
Fructose is found in:
• fruit juices (sucrose, which is glucose and fructose bound together in a single molecule),
• table sugar from sugar cane and beets (sucrose),
• honey (mostly glucose and fructose separate from each other), and
• drinks and foods that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (glucose and fructose, separate from each other).
• Sucrose is also found in most fruits and many and health with dr. gabe mirkin
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Although lengthy, this is a must see video.
....Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717]
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Message to every parent: How to protect your child from drug use? .. Be a role model for your children .. Do not smoke cigarettes or drugs
by RealPTC Expert
• There is no doubt that the most important way to prevent your child from drug use are: good upbringing upbringing, so that will be maintained since childhood care and education, and to be part of your daily life.
• Try to find out his friends, helped him to choose a good friend,and warned him of bad friends.
• Talk to your son and your daughter clearly and openly about drugs, and do so early. The best age is between ten and twelve years of age. Do not wait until the problem is located, and thenlooking for a solution!.
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• Try to find out his friends, helped him to choose a good friend,and warned him of bad friends.
• Talk to your son and your daughter clearly and openly about drugs, and do so early. The best age is between ten and twelve years of age. Do not wait until the problem is located, and thenlooking for a solution!.
The influence of drugs .. Commit crimes and taboo. The deteriorating health of the addict. Bankruptcy of financial
by RealPTC Expert
There is no doubt that the drug addict is among the living dead ..But his spirit still contends with his body-related survival. A ghost, a poor slender, semi-paralyzed, lost his health .. His strength andcollapsed ... And drugs is a waste of time .. Gold of the mind ..Intervention of the owner in a coma prevents him from performinghis prayers. May attract him to commit crimes and taboo. Thedeteriorating health of the addict to become unemployed .. Spendits resources to collect the fancy of pleasure .. Leaving his familywithout food or clothing .. The Aghebrzojth or daughter into prostitution to get money.
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Volatile solvents .. Inhaled repeatedly to get drunk. Dizziness, relaxation and visual hallucinations, nausea and vomiting. Injury in the liver and bone marrow and severe anemia
by RealPTC Expert
Are substances that cause addiction .. All of which are usedfrequently in the household uses, and include gasoline, glue andnail polish remover, cleaning fluids, and others. And lead inhaledrepeatedly to get drunk .. And may lead to dizziness, relaxation and visual hallucinations, nausea and vomiting. Cause harm andaddiction in the liver and bone marrow and severe anemia, andrisks of suicide and sudden death.
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Hypnotics .. Reduction of the central nervous system. Tnoima and calm person. Treatment of anxiety and fear
by RealPTC Expert
Working to reduce the central nervous system and lead to calm theperson and Tnoima .. has caused some hypnotics familiar withthem psychologically, especially barbiturate. We should beware ofgetting used to sleeping pills, although small doses which are given for a short period of specific benefit in the treatment ofanxiety and fear.
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