Giving Back to the Tune of $800k

Administrators in public education often catch a lot of flack (albeit sometimes deserved) but I wanted to share a story with you of one administrator who really gave back. For a heartwarming story of a California superintendent who believed enough in some educational programs that he was willing to sacrifice his own compensation to continue to fund them, I invite you to read School superintendent gives up $800k in pay. I know you may be thinking, who even has $800k to give up in the first place?? (I know I had to wonder!) but I really do think it's an encouraging story.  In a world where the news is often filled with disappointing and disheartening events, I think news stories like these are uplifting. Feel free to share some stories of teachers or administrators in your school or district that have really given back. And don't worry, it doesn't have to be $800k - sometimes the best gifts are much smaller in size!


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