Geneva Conventions Outlawed Use of "Food Product" Pepper Spray in War

Pepper spray Demonstration; U.S. Marine Corps ...
Image via Wikipedia
Grant Lawrence--Bodhi Thunder

As I have previously reported, an inane Fox News Propagandist for the Corporate Criminals that own America and nearly all of the world says that Pepper Spray is a food product. So I guess the message is that it must be nutritious as well as safe.

However, the creator of Pepper Spray says that the way it is being used in Occupied Protests, especially at UC Davis, is a misuse of the chemical.

Kamran Loghman says that Pepper Spray is not a food and that, in fact, it is weaponized. That means that the chemical should be used only in certain circumstances, such as when a limited number of people are forcefully resisting arrest.

During a Democracy Now interview with Loghman, it was also revealed that the use of Pepper Spray is outlawed by the Geneva Conventions during war. 
AMY GOODMAN: Deborah Blum, a Pulitzer Prize winning science writer and professor of journalism at the University of Wisconsin – Madison told KPCC that the US military is banned by international law from using pepper spray on the battlefield. Kamran Loghman, is this true?

KAMRAN LOGHMAN: It is true, but it is not the complete picture. It is not just pepper spray. According to Geneva Convention, any use of chemical agent is not legal anywhere in the world by any country in the world at the time of war....democracy now

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