"Network World" Finally Catches Up To Us

There's nothing even remotely new in this MSM story -- it is actually about six hours behind our reporting -- but it is as good an excuse as any to run a new graphic on the "Un-friending at Facebook" flap between the two pharma behemoths:
. . . .The page Facebook.com/Merck was not accessible by late Monday, and the Merck U.S. page had moved to another location on the social network. . . .

Germany's Merck KGaA threatened legal action after it said it lost its Facebook page apparently to rival Merck & Co. in the U.S.

Facebook on Monday apologized for what it described as an "administrative error". . . .

The dispute reflects the growing importance businesses attach to having branded pages on Facebook and other social networks. . . .

We will keep you posted, but it seems a certainty now that KGaA will be able to discover the identity of the Merck (US) agents behind the bid to "claim-jump" the German Merck KGaA Facebook vanity address.


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