Home of the Free Because of the Brave

Normally I try to keep Friday posts light but given that today is Veteran's Day I figured it was only fitting to have a tribute to those who have bravely served our country and sacrificed so much. It is easy to lose sight of the truly important things in life so I encourage you today to step back and really think about how blessed we truly are. Teachers - instead of being annoyed at your students for not listening in class or not turning in their assignments, be thankful that you have a job and a chance to interact with and influence the future citizens of our country. Students - instead of complaining about how much homework you have or that your professor droned on in their lecture, take a moment to be thankful that you have the opportunity to get a quality education. I could go on and on with the list of things that we have to be thankful for but I really encourage you to come up with your own list. This may sound like more of a Thanksgiving holiday post than a Veteran's Day post but I leave you with this: Consider all of the things you are thankful for and then stop and remember the cost of those freedoms and blessings. They say all sacrificed some and some sacrificed all - remember those sacrifices today and thank a veteran!


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