Not As "hard" As You Might Think

Art of the stones of the landscape are not as difficult as you think. With stones in your landscape is one of the best options for embellishment yet often neglected garden. Landscape of fake rocks, which is often called a "hard ground" does not give you a headache, and complications than dealing with a lot of trees, hedges and shrubs. Secondly, it is a low maintenance gives you more time to enjoy the scenery.

Climate and Rock Gardening

The advantage of landscape rock can be used regardless of your climate. Almost every plant has an area of ​​plants that promote the growth of stones. It 'easy to understand indigenous plants in the landscape theme. Contact your local nursery before starting in the range of different plant species.

Start Plan

It 's always a good idea to put a landscape plan for the paper. This is very important when using the Rock-landscape. Many of the stones that can be very heavy and you do not want to move twice! Also plans to move the size of the landscape is to facilitate the planting and maintenance.


Every artificial rocks or boulder is set for a particular purpose, aesthetics, design, or a balance. Again, planning ahead will be located exactly where every stone to ensure a design much more general. To get the look you want to consider, ranging from small rock or stone accents along the paths of large stones placed in a permanent stability.

Consider using stone landscape around your porch. The porch is an excellent context for this type of gardening and add interest to the driveway. Another area often overlooked is the gateway to the terrace. Do not line the promenade, to create a rock garden on the way to the front door.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

A common mistake is not to bury the rock. If you bury the rock that will create a natural look and blend into the landscape in general. In general, large landscaping rocks rocks buried deeper than the smaller landscape. Burial rock four to six inches is ideal.

Avoid Lone Stone. Try to gather in the habits of 3-5 of them in different sizes. This helps you minimize space while creating a more natural perspective and artistic.

Every stone has a face, or the half that has the most character. Embedded in the rock at its best face forward, so that creates the most appeal to your garden.

Landscape with rocks, probably stimulate the unique appeal of your yard. The envy of your neighborhood and enjoy the beauty of the gardens with the rock backflow protection.


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