Stanford Daily on plagiarism: does intent define plagiarism?

Within a post titled CS Department remains atop Honor Code breaches in the Stanford Daily, one finds:

“Plagiarism has an intent,” he [Aiken] said. “Similarity is a more technical notion. When we find things that look the same, we don’t know necessarily why they look the same. Humans still have to look at it.”


He did add that he thought it was getting easier for professors to report instances of plagiarism to the judicial committee, because “there are definitely degrees of infraction [affected by] intent and the degree to which things were copied.”

IPBiz notes plagiarism is copying without attribution. Plagiarism has no intent. Few people will ever admit to copying "deliberately."

As background from the article:

CS professor Alex Aiken developed the department’s plagiarism detection system, known as Measure of Software Similarity (MOSS), which is used at universities around the world. He rejected the possibility that the higher levels of plagiarism in CS classes come from a heavier workload.


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