Faculty Spotlight: Michael Brooks

Last week I managed to catch up with Dr. Michael Brooks, Professor of Education in our Ed. Leadership department. Unless you're a doctoral candidate, you might not know this guy but that's what this interview was for! Here's what he had to say:

Me: How many years have you been in the field of education?

Michael Brooks: About 25
Me: What made you decide to become a teacher?

MB: Right after I said I'd never become a teacher, I became a teacher!

Me: What is your favorite thing about your job?

MB: I just love teaching. I love seeing people get something they can use.

Me: What is your favorite class/subject to teach?

MB: I mainly teach Research & Ethics but I've also taught a lot of Bible classes at church.

Me: What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you in the classroom?

MB: Back when I was still a pretty young teacher, I was teaching a 5 Saturday course and I had a lady in my class who was pregnant. When I asked her when she was due, she said the Monday after our last Saturday class meeting. I couldn't understand why she would have chose to take the class so close to her due date, but she assured me she would be fine. I was very nervous about it and I think she knew it because in the middle of class she would grab her stomach and groan just to see my reaction. I got so worried that one time when she did it I said "Alright stop. Has anyone in this room ever delivered a baby?" Surprisingly, one guy had and I said "Great, you are now going to sit here" and I pointed to the desk in front of her. If there was even a possibility of her going into labor in my class - I wanted a doctor there! Looking back, it's kinda ironic - I asked the question about anyone having delivered a baby but honestly didn't expect that someone in my class had!

Me: What do you like to do in your spare time?

MB: I like to read and be with my family.
Me: If you could travel anywhere in the world all expenses paid, where would you go?

MB:  I think a lot of different places would be neat. I'd like to go back to Switzerland or maybe go to Canada. [I teased him that he was just trying to get in good with his Canadian interviewer!]

Me: What is your favorite season and why?

MB: Either winter or summer - fewer allergies! I also like all the holidays in winter.

Me: If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be?

MB: From a Biblical standpoint, either Noah or Abraham. Noah knew what was coming and I'd just like to talk to him about how he dealt with it and Abraham was just a great example of trust. From a non-Biblical standpoint I'd say George Washington Carver. He did great things with great humility.
Me: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

MB: "If you're wondering if something is right or wrong, don't even go there!" That one has kept me out of a lot of trouble over the years.


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