Sick? Scared? Disabled? Feel Better Fast: Read the Book Praised by Medical Professionals!


4 Cheshvan 5772

The back cover of

holds praise from medical and mental health professionals.

I was delighted to click on one of my Facebook pages today to see this praise from a newer reader of EMPOWER Yourself, another medical professional who has communicated her personal appreciation of the book to  me in the past:

Yocheved Golani has written
a comprehensive manual for
the ill and those helping
the person experiencing a medical crisis.
Her approach is compassionate and
filled with messages of
hope and universal faith.

I found the book pro-active, not reactive.

In Ms. Golani’s encouragement to use
positive language, she enables a reader
to look at their circumstance
as a point of growth.

She has productive exercises
for the reader,
using one’s own words to
approach a medical crisis
(or chronic illness) is going to
last much longer than the
“you should” messages
so many ill people face.

The list of resources is a commodity!
Whew, everyone experiencing illness
should have access
to this comprehensive list -
it’s action oriented, for sure.

Ultimately, the most endearing
and enduring message
one can receive from this book is:
Medical crisises may happen,
but who you are,
how you manage -
it’s in your hands.

Pick up this book and be
your own best advocate!
~ Shoshana Kesner, DHM, BSN

OK, readers, you know what to do. Help someone experiencing emotional or physical illness, even a disability, with the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.


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